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Hi, I'm Wyatt

I like machine learning, robotics, and web development. I'm an undergraduate student studying Math at UT Austin. Here are some of the projects I've worked on...

Flycatcher - Waitlist Builder

Flycatcher - Waitlist Builder

Build your custom branded waitlist, collect insights about your subscribers, and send email campaigns all with one app.

TOS Chat - Custom AI Chatbot

TOS Chat - Custom AI Chatbot

Custom GPT chatbot that allows the user to 'chat' with terms of service and privacy policy agreements. Documents are stored with Pinecone (a vector database) and queried with semantic search.

Object Recognition in Autonomous Rover
PythonOpenCVRaspberry PiTFLite

Object Recognition in Autonomous Rover

Adding a human detection system to a food delivery robot that serves boarding students on campus who don’t have easy access to food delivery services.

Playlist Assist - Spotify Auto-DJ

Playlist Assist - Spotify Auto-DJ

Spotify companion app that creates beat-matched transitions within your Spotify playlist. Remotely controls your Spotify account from a website.

Game Jam Entries

Game Jam Entries

Two video games I made on different teams as part of the CSU Game Dev club for submission into game jam competitions.

Rendering Polyhedra on the Web

Rendering Polyhedra on the Web

Calculating polyhedron vertices and corresponding face indices to render 3D shapes on the web. Uses ThreeJS to manage WebGL rendering.

Automated TikTok Generator

Automated TikTok Generator

Automatically generating reddit story TikToks that have become so popular. The app uses the reddit API to get popular posts, puppeteer to screenshot them, AWS Polly to create a TTS voiceover, YouTube API to find background footage, and YTDL-P to download the footage. All these components are edited together using FFmpeg